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osm module

The module contains functions for downloading OpenStreetMap data. It wraps the geometries module of the osmnx package (see Credits to Geoff Boeing, the developer of the osmnx package. Most functions for downloading OpenStreetMap data require tags of map features. The list of commonly used tags can be found at

osm_gdf_from_address(address, tags, dist=1000)

Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of address.


Name Type Description Default
address str

The address to geocode and use as the central point around which to get the geometries.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

dist int

Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.



Type Description

A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_gdf_from_address(address: str, tags: Dict, dist: Optional[int] = 1000):
    """Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of address.

        address (str): The address to geocode and use as the central point around which to get the geometries.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        dist (int, optional): Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.

        GeoDataFrame: A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.
    check_package("osmnx", "")
    import osmnx as ox

    gdf = ox.features_from_address(address, tags, dist)
    return gdf

osm_gdf_from_bbox(north, south, east, west, tags)

Create a GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within a N, S, E, W bounding box.


Name Type Description Default
north float

Northern latitude of bounding box.

south float

Southern latitude of bounding box.

east float

Eastern longitude of bounding box.

west float

Western longitude of bounding box.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.



Type Description

A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_gdf_from_bbox(north: float, south: float, east: float, west: float, tags: Dict):
    """Create a GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within a N, S, E, W bounding box.

        north (float): Northern latitude of bounding box.
        south (float): Southern latitude of bounding box.
        east (float): Eastern longitude of bounding box.
        west (float): Western longitude of bounding box.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

        GeoDataFrame: A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.
    check_package("osmnx", "")
    import osmnx as ox

    gdf = ox.features_from_bbox(north, south, east, west, tags)
    return gdf

osm_gdf_from_geocode(query, which_result=None, by_osmid=False, buffer_dist=None)

Retrieves place(s) by name or ID from the Nominatim API as a GeoDataFrame.


Name Type Description Default
query str | dict | list

Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.

which_result INT

Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.

by_osmid bool

If True, handle query as an OSM ID for lookup rather than text search. Defaults to False.

buffer_dist float

Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.



Type Description

A GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_gdf_from_geocode(
    query: Union[str, Dict, List],
    which_result: Optional[int] = None,
    by_osmid: Optional[bool] = False,
    buffer_dist: Optional[float] = None,
    """Retrieves place(s) by name or ID from the Nominatim API as a GeoDataFrame.

        query (str | dict | list): Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.
        which_result (INT, optional): Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.
        by_osmid (bool, optional): If True, handle query as an OSM ID for lookup rather than text search. Defaults to False.
        buffer_dist (float, optional): Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.

        GeoDataFrame: A GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.

    check_package("osmnx", "")

    import osmnx as ox

    gdf = ox.geocode_to_gdf(query, which_result, by_osmid, buffer_dist)
    return gdf

osm_gdf_from_place(query, tags, which_result=None, buffer_dist=None)

Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within boundaries of geocodable place(s).


Name Type Description Default
query str | dict | list

Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

which_result int

Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.

buffer_dist float

Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.



Type Description

A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_gdf_from_place(
    query: Union[str, Dict, List],
    tags: Dict,
    which_result: Optional[int] = None,
    buffer_dist: Optional[float] = None,
    """Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within boundaries of geocodable place(s).

        query (str | dict | list): Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        which_result (int, optional): Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.
        buffer_dist (float, optional): Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.

        GeoDataFrame: A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.
    check_package("osmnx", "")
    import osmnx as ox

    ox.settings.use_cache = True
    ox.settings.log_console = False

    gdf = ox.features_from_place(query, tags, which_result, buffer_dist)
    return gdf

osm_gdf_from_point(center_point, tags, dist=1000)

Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of a point.


Name Type Description Default
center_point tuple

The (lat, lng) center point around which to get the geometries.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

dist int

Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.



Type Description

A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_gdf_from_point(
    center_point: Tuple[float, float], tags: Dict, dist: Optional[int] = 1000
    """Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of a point.

        center_point (tuple): The (lat, lng) center point around which to get the geometries.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        dist (int, optional): Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.

        GeoDataFrame: A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.
    check_package("osmnx", "")
    import osmnx as ox

    gdf = ox.features_from_point(center_point, tags, dist)
    return gdf

osm_gdf_from_polygon(polygon, tags)

Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within boundaries of a (multi)polygon.


Name Type Description Default
polygon shapely.geometry.Polygon | shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon

Geographic boundaries to fetch geometries within

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.



Type Description

A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_gdf_from_polygon(polygon, tags: Dict):
    """Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within boundaries of a (multi)polygon.

        polygon (shapely.geometry.Polygon | shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): Geographic boundaries to fetch geometries within
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

        GeoDataFrame: A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.
    check_package("osmnx", "")
    import osmnx as ox

    gdf = ox.features_from_polygon(polygon, tags)
    return gdf

osm_gdf_from_xml(filepath, polygon=None, tags=None)

Create a GeoDataFrame of OSM entities in an OSM-formatted XML file.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str

File path to file containing OSM XML data

polygon shapely.geometry.Polygon

Optional geographic boundary to filter objects. Defaults to None.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.



Type Description

A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_gdf_from_xml(filepath: str, polygon=None, tags: Dict = None):
    """Create a GeoDataFrame of OSM entities in an OSM-formatted XML file.

        filepath (str): File path to file containing OSM XML data
        polygon (shapely.geometry.Polygon, optional): Optional geographic boundary to filter objects. Defaults to None.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

        GeoDataFrame: A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities.
    check_package("osmnx", "")
    import osmnx as ox

    gdf = ox.features_from_xml(filepath, polygon, tags)
    return gdf

osm_geojson_from_address(address, tags, filepath=None, dist=1000)

Download OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of address as a GeoJSON.


Name Type Description Default
address str

The address to geocode and use as the central point around which to get the geometries.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output GeoJSON. Defaults to None.

dist int

Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.



Type Description

A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_geojson_from_address(
    address: str, tags: Dict, filepath: str = None, dist: Optional[int] = 1000
) -> Dict:
    """Download OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of address as a GeoJSON.

        address (str): The address to geocode and use as the central point around which to get the geometries.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str, optional): File path to the output GeoJSON. Defaults to None.
        dist (int, optional): Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.

        dict: A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_address(address, tags, dist)
    if filepath is not None:
        gdf.to_file(filepath, driver="GeoJSON")
        return gdf.__geo_interface__

osm_geojson_from_bbox(north, south, east, west, tags, filepath=None)

Download OSM entities within a N, S, E, W bounding box as a GeoJSON.


Name Type Description Default
north float

Northern latitude of bounding box.

south float

Southern latitude of bounding box.

east float

Eastern longitude of bounding box.

west float

Western longitude of bounding box.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output GeoJSON.



Type Description

A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_geojson_from_bbox(
    north: float,
    south: float,
    east: float,
    west: float,
    tags: Dict,
    filepath: Optional[str] = None,
    """Download OSM entities within a N, S, E, W bounding box as a GeoJSON.

        north (float): Northern latitude of bounding box.
        south (float): Southern latitude of bounding box.
        east (float): Eastern longitude of bounding box.
        west (float): Western longitude of bounding box.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str, optional): File path to the output GeoJSON.

        dict: A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_bbox(north, south, east, west, tags)
    if filepath is not None:
        gdf.to_file(filepath, driver="GeoJSON")
        return gdf.__geo_interface__

osm_geojson_from_geocode(query, filepath, which_result=None, by_osmid=False, buffer_dist=None)

Download place(s) by name or ID from the Nominatim API as a GeoJSON.


Name Type Description Default
query str | dict | list

Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.

filepath str

File path to the output GeoJSON.

which_result int

Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.

by_osmid bool

If True, handle query as an OSM ID for lookup rather than text search. Defaults to False.

buffer_dist float

Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.



Type Description

A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_geojson_from_geocode(
    query: Union[str, Dict, List],
    filepath: str,
    which_result: Optional[int] = None,
    by_osmid: Optional[bool] = False,
    buffer_dist: Optional[float] = None,
    """Download place(s) by name or ID from the Nominatim API as a GeoJSON.

        query (str | dict | list): Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.
        filepath (str): File path to the output GeoJSON.
        which_result (int, optional): Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.
        by_osmid (bool, optional): If True, handle query as an OSM ID for lookup rather than text search. Defaults to False.
        buffer_dist (float, optional): Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.

        dict: A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_geocode(query, which_result, by_osmid, buffer_dist)
    if filepath is not None:
        gdf.to_file(filepath, driver="GeoJSON")
        return gdf.__geo_interface__

osm_geojson_from_place(query, tags, filepath, which_result=None, buffer_dist=None)

Download OSM entities within boundaries of geocodable place(s) as a GeoJSON.


Name Type Description Default
query str | dict | list

Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output shapefile.

which_result int

Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.

buffer_dist float

Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.



Type Description

A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_geojson_from_place(
    query: Union[str, Dict, List],
    tags: Dict,
    filepath: str,
    which_result: Optional[int] = None,
    buffer_dist: Optional[float] = None,
) -> Dict:
    """Download OSM entities within boundaries of geocodable place(s) as a GeoJSON.

        query (str | dict | list): Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str): File path to the output shapefile.
        which_result (int, optional): Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.
        buffer_dist (float, optional): Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.

        dict: A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.

    gdf = osm_gdf_from_place(query, tags, which_result, buffer_dist)
    if filepath is not None:
        gdf.to_file(filepath, driver="GeoJSON")
        return gdf.__geo_interface__

osm_geojson_from_point(center_point, tags, filepath, dist=1000)

Download OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of point as a GeoJSON.


Name Type Description Default
center_point tuple

The (lat, lng) center point around which to get the geometries.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output shapefile.

dist int

Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.



Type Description

A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_geojson_from_point(
    center_point: Tuple[float, float],
    tags: Dict,
    filepath: str,
    dist: Optional[int] = 1000,
) -> Dict:
    """Download OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of point as a GeoJSON.

        center_point (tuple): The (lat, lng) center point around which to get the geometries.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str): File path to the output shapefile.
        dist (int, optional): Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.

        dict: A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_point(center_point, tags, dist)
    if filepath is not None:
        gdf.to_file(filepath, driver="GeoJSON")
        return gdf.__geo_interface__

osm_geojson_from_polygon(polygon, tags, filepath=None)

Download OSM entities within boundaries of a (multi)polygon as a GeoJSON.


Name Type Description Default
polygon shapely.geometry.Polygon | shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon

Geographic boundaries to fetch geometries within

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output GeoJSON.



Type Description

A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_geojson_from_polygon(
    polygon, tags: Dict, filepath: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict:
    """Download OSM entities within boundaries of a (multi)polygon as a GeoJSON.

        polygon (shapely.geometry.Polygon | shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): Geographic boundaries to fetch geometries within
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str, optional): File path to the output GeoJSON.

        dict: A GeoJSON dictionary of OSM entities.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_polygon(polygon, tags)
    if filepath is not None:
        gdf.to_file(filepath, driver="GeoJSON")
        return gdf.__geo_interface__

osm_shp_from_address(address, tags, filepath, dist=1000)

Download OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of address as a shapefile.


Name Type Description Default
address str

The address to geocode and use as the central point around which to get the geometries.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output shapefile.

dist int

Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_shp_from_address(
    address: str, tags: Dict, filepath: str, dist: Optional[int] = 1000
    """Download OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of address as a shapefile.

        address (str): The address to geocode and use as the central point around which to get the geometries.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str): File path to the output shapefile.
        dist (int, optional): Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.

    gdf = osm_gdf_from_address(address, tags, dist)

osm_shp_from_bbox(north, south, east, west, tags, filepath)

Download OSM entities within a N, S, E, W bounding box as a shapefile.


Name Type Description Default
north float

Northern latitude of bounding box.

south float

Southern latitude of bounding box.

east float

Eastern longitude of bounding box.

west float

Western longitude of bounding box.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output shapefile.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_shp_from_bbox(
    north: float, south: float, east: float, west: float, tags: Dict, filepath: str
    """Download OSM entities within a N, S, E, W bounding box as a shapefile.

        north (float): Northern latitude of bounding box.
        south (float): Southern latitude of bounding box.
        east (float): Eastern longitude of bounding box.
        west (float): Western longitude of bounding box.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str): File path to the output shapefile.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_bbox(north, south, east, west, tags)

osm_shp_from_geocode(query, filepath, which_result=None, by_osmid=False, buffer_dist=None)

Download place(s) by name or ID from the Nominatim API as a shapefile.


Name Type Description Default
query str | dict | list

Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.

filepath str

File path to the output shapefile.

which_result int

Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.

by_osmid bool

If True, handle query as an OSM ID for lookup rather than text search. Defaults to False.

buffer_dist float

Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_shp_from_geocode(
    query: Union[str, Dict, List],
    filepath: str,
    which_result: Optional[int] = None,
    by_osmid: Optional[bool] = False,
    buffer_dist: Optional[float] = None,
    """Download place(s) by name or ID from the Nominatim API as a shapefile.

        query (str | dict | list): Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.
        filepath (str): File path to the output shapefile.
        which_result (int, optional): Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.
        by_osmid (bool, optional): If True, handle query as an OSM ID for lookup rather than text search. Defaults to False.
        buffer_dist (float, optional): Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_geocode(query, which_result, by_osmid, buffer_dist)

osm_shp_from_place(query, tags, filepath, which_result=None, buffer_dist=None)

Download OSM entities within boundaries of geocodable place(s) as a shapefile.


Name Type Description Default
query str | dict | list

Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output shapefile.

which_result int

Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.

buffer_dist float

Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_shp_from_place(
    query: Union[str, Dict, List],
    tags: Dict,
    filepath: str,
    which_result: Optional[int] = None,
    buffer_dist: Optional[float] = None,
    """Download OSM entities within boundaries of geocodable place(s) as a shapefile.

        query (str | dict | list): Query string(s) or structured dict(s) to geocode.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str): File path to the output shapefile.
        which_result (int, optional): Which geocoding result to use. if None, auto-select the first (Multi)Polygon or raise an error if OSM doesn't return one. to get the top match regardless of geometry type, set which_result=1. Defaults to None.
        buffer_dist (float, optional): Distance to buffer around the place geometry, in meters. Defaults to None.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_place(query, tags, which_result, buffer_dist)

osm_shp_from_point(center_point, tags, filepath, dist=1000)

Download OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of point as a shapefile.


Name Type Description Default
center_point tuple

The (lat, lng) center point around which to get the geometries.

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output shapefile.

dist int

Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_shp_from_point(
    center_point: Tuple[float, float],
    tags: Dict,
    filepath: str,
    dist: Optional[int] = 1000,
    """Download OSM entities within some distance N, S, E, W of point as a shapefile.

        center_point (tuple): The (lat, lng) center point around which to get the geometries.
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str): File path to the output shapefile.
        dist (int, optional): Distance in meters. Defaults to 1000.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_point(center_point, tags, dist)

osm_shp_from_polygon(polygon, tags, filepath)

Download OSM entities within boundaries of a (multi)polygon as a shapefile.


Name Type Description Default
polygon shapely.geometry.Polygon | shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon

Geographic boundaries to fetch geometries within

tags dict

Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.

filepath str

File path to the output shapefile.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_shp_from_polygon(polygon, tags: Dict, filepath: str):
    """Download OSM entities within boundaries of a (multi)polygon as a shapefile.

        polygon (shapely.geometry.Polygon | shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): Geographic boundaries to fetch geometries within
        tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop.
        filepath (str): File path to the output shapefile.
    gdf = osm_gdf_from_polygon(polygon, tags)


Open a browser to see all tags of OSM features.

Source code in leafmap/
def osm_tags_list():
    """Open a browser to see all tags of OSM features."""
    import webbrowser
